Here's an unpublished strip (again from the Carney/Edwards dream factory) from way back in 1999. It was intended to be a Missive Device - an ingenious comic strip/postcard venture published by Slab-O-Concrete. Unfortunately Slab went belly up before Two-Coats was ever printed. Here it is now in all it's technicolour, tear-jerking glory. Classic Carney. I remember when I first finished this I was so pleased with it but now looking back 8 years on (!) it looks rough and scruffy. That's always a bit disconcerting but I suppose it's better than looking back at old work and thinking it's better than your current stuff. Anyway, without further ado.....
Um, one post in ten days and it's from 1999? Only kidding. This is really gorgeous. Wonderful character design, colour scheme and bricks! Ian always has this knack of slipping in dark elements to seemingly light-hearted stories. You two are a great match.
I miss Slab.
Talking of Carney's dark side you should post that strip you did with him about a conversation in a chip shop. I haven't seen that for years.
I miss Slab too.
Very dark indeed. Very uncomfortable, in fact.
Ah, I might do, Jonathan. It disturbed me when I first read the script. How much material have you collaborated on together now? Must be getting book-worthy...
That's Carney, always bringing the jolly. Great stuff, the pair of you.
"rough and scruffy"
Surely you jest sir!
'Tis a thing of beauty and a joy forever.
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