Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Wooden Dude with pet


Simon said...

This is awesome. Loving your line at the moment (well, I always do, but you know what I mean :)

Ned said...



[rich] said...

Love them 2

Jonathan Edwards said...

Thanks, guys!

Simon - I'm justing trying to change my line a bit. I kept getting people asking me about my vector work. I don't have any problem with people using vectors but seeing as all my stuff is hand drawn I wanted it to look a bit more like it. This is my trusty pentel brush pen again.

Simon said...

I've really liked this development, J, it brings with it a warmth and ties in with your style and interests very well. Not that I didn't love your slicker lines too, as you know :)

I've recently been converting to vectors for the first time in a few years (the Fitzgerald strip) but purely did so out of habit and to keep file sizes down. The bigger you go the better obviously, but I concede it's deffo second best.

I'm glad it's a process you don't take unless you're really required to.